A England - Sparks Divine & Whispering Waves

Anglický značka indie lakov A England si pre nás pripravila dva nové odtiene z kolekcie Heavenly Quotes. Teším sa, že vám ich dnes môžem ...

A England - Sparks Divine & Whispering Waves

Anglický značka indie lakov A England si pre nás pripravila dva nové odtiene z kolekcie Heavenly Quotes. Teším sa, že vám ich dnes môžem ukázať :)

English indie nail polish brand A England released two new shades from Heavenly Quotes collection. And I'm so happy I can show them to you today:)

A England - Sparks Divine & Whispering Waves

Prvým je Sparks Divine. Podľa obrázkov swatchov, ktoré som videla na Instagrame A England som si myslela, že tento lak bude zlaté holo. Preto bol tento odtieň pre mňa tak trochu prekvapkom. Ale nie v zlom zmysle slova :) Od začiatku mi pripomínal karamelky. Také tie mäkké cukríky, čo sa vám lepia na zuby :)

First one is Sparks Divine. When I saw the first official swatches on the A England's Instagram I thought it will be a gold holo polish. That's why I was so surprised when I was unpacking it. But in a good way :) From the beginning it reminded me of a toffee candy. Those soft one that will stuck on your teeth :)

A England - Sparks Divine & Whispering Waves

Lakoval sa výborne a stačili mi dve pohodlné vrstvy.

The application was easy and I needed only two regular coats.

A England - Sparks Divine & Whispering Waves

Podobné odtiene sama od seba veľmi nevyhľadávam a zo začiatku som mala dokonca pocit, že sa ani nekamaráti s odtieňom mojej pokožky. No po chvíľke nosenia sa mi zapáčil :)

I personally don't go after shades like this and soon as I painted it I thought it doesn't even go well with my skin tone. But after a while I liked it :)

A England - Sparks Divine & Whispering Waves

Veľmi elegantný, jemný a nenápadný lak. I keď... Nenápadný len do chvíle, kým sa nedostane na priame svetlo. Vtedy sa prejaví jemný holografický prášok a lak dostane úplne nový rozmer.

It's very elegant, soft and discreet shade. Well... Until you see it on direct light. Then you will see that fine holographic glitter. A whole new world!

A England - Sparks Divine & Whispering Waves

A England - Sparks Divine & Whispering Waves

Druhým kúskom je Whispering Waves. Už vo fľaštičke ma dosť zaujal, no nečakala som, že ma až tak chytí za srdce :) Je to totiž úžasne žiarivá tyrkyska. Úplne nadpozemská!

The other one is Whispering Waves. It caught my eye in the bottle but I wasn't expecting I will love it so much :) It's simply gorgeous radiant turquoise. Out of this world!

A England - Sparks Divine & Whispering Waves

Whispering Waves, tak ako mnohé laky od A England, kryje výborne už v prvej vrstve. Druhú som pridala úplne tenučkú.

As many other A England polishes Whispering Waves is almost one coater. I added really thin second layer.

A England - Sparks Divine & Whispering Waves

Zblízka vidno, že základ je jemne metalický a súdim, že práve vďaka tomu tak žiari :) Vo fľaštičke sa tiež sem tam mihne ružový odlesk, no na nechtoch sa veľmi neukazuje.

From up close you can see it's slightly metallic and I believe that's why it's so vibrant :) In the bottle you can even see light pink sheen here and there but it's not that visible on the nails.

A England - Sparks Divine & Whispering Waves

Tak ako predchádzajúci kúsok, aj Whispering Waves obsahuje jemné holografické čiastočky, ktoré sa na priamom svetle nádherne rozmihotajú.

Just like the previous one Whispering Waves also contains fine holographic particles that glimmer beautifully on direct light.

A England - Sparks Divine & Whispering Waves

Čo na ne poviete? Ktorý z nich sa vám páči viac? :)

What do you thinks? Which one you like more? :)


Oba laky mi boli zaslané za účelom vytvorenia recenzie. Pre viac informácií, viď záložku disclosure. Touto cestou tiež ďakujem Nailland.hu za poskytnutie lakov.

Both polishes were send to me for review. For more information, please see my disclosure. I would like to thank Nailland.hu for sending me these polishes.

12 komentárov :

  1. I thought this first one will be more "sandy" holo not the creamy fudge color ;) Of course I love whispering waves, cant't wait to oder this from Nailland :D btw, did you receive my email regarding lighting? ;)

    1. I was thinking the same about Sparks Divine! Whispering Waves is so gorgeous in real life, you will love it :) And yes, I'm sorry, I replied you yesterday :)

  2. Odpovede
    1. Súhlasím! A naživo je jednoducho dokonalý... Must have od A England :)

  3. Nemůžu se rozhodnout, který se mi líbí víc. Oba jsou dokonalost sama ♥

  4. Whispering Waves is really your color :D It looks very good on you! Sparks Divine looks nice as well, but it doesn't really convince me.

    1. You are right ^_^ I love it. Thank you Claudia :) Sparks Divine is pretty too but I think I will wear it much less than Whispering Waves...


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