Catrice, Ados, perličky / Catrice, Ados, beads

Môj posledný nákup. Catrice 09 Hugo Moss, Catrice 38 Vino Tinto, Ados Texture Effect 02 a strieborné perličky. Na Vino Tinto som obzerala už dávno. Som v znamení Váh a asi som tým poriadne postihnutá, lebo Vino som mala v rukách asi päť krát a nikdy som si ho nakoniec nekúpila. Veľmi sa mi páči tá tlmená vínovo hnedá farba. A keďže takú farbu ešte v zbierke nemám, jasná voľba. Pre Huga Moss som sa rozhodla po pár fotkách na internete a zistení, že je to želé! Alebo teda jelly finish. Viaceré svetové značky mali zelené želé už dávno v kolekciách, tak som neváhala ani minútu. So zelenými lakmi mám rovnaký problém ako s červenými, mám pocit, že mi nesvedčia. Tak verím, že tento bude. Posledný lak Ados Texture Effect je svetlohnedosivá krémovka s nádychom do fialkovej, po uschnutí textúrovaná. Mám rada tieto "divné" farby. Kúpila som ho u nás v Trenčíne, v takom malom ochodíku s  nechovými vecičkami. Tam som si kúpila aj strieborné perličky. Keď už nemám rôzne "vybíjance", ako sú teraz v kurze, tak mám aspoň perličky. Niekedy v budúcnosti budú isto nafotené aj na rukách, či už laky alebo perličky.

My last purchase. Catrice 09 Hugo Moss, Catrice 38 Vino Tinto, Ados Texture Effect 02 and silver beads. I was looking at Vino Tinto many times. My sign is Libra and let's say that it is true what they say about us. I had Vino many times in my shopping cart, but in the end, I never bought it. I really like the muted wino-brown color. And because I don't have such a color in my stash, I had to buy it. I decided to buy Hugo Moss after seeing couple photos on the Internet and after finding out that it is jelly! I mean jelly finish. A lot of world nail polish brands had green jelly in their collections, so I wasn't hesitating any minute. With green polishes I got same relationship as with red ones. I think they don't suite me. I hope this one will be different. Last one is Ados Texture Effect in taupe color with obviously, textured finish. I really like these "weird" colors. I bought it in a small shop in my town. I also bought there silver beads. Because I don't have those studs and stuff what is so popular right now, at least I can have beads. In the future I will post swatches of all of them and pearls too. 

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