Predstavujem vám moje nenalakované nechty. A môj prapodivný palček :D Vlastne hlavne ten. Len by som chcela vysvetliť, prečo tak vyzerá. Keď som bola malá, vždy ma zaujímalo, čo do frasa je s mojimi palcami. Keď som si hrýzla nechty, tak vyzerali dosť nechutne. A potom ma to napadlo - vygoogliť to! Poznáte to, sebadiagnostika cez internet :D A sranda, fakt som čosi našla. Odborný termín je Brachydaktýlia - skrátenie prstov na rukách a nohách. A ja mám typ D, kedy sa jedná o palec. Posledná kostička je skrátená. Je to dané geneticky. Podozrievam tatina :D Nie je to niečo, čo by ma nejak obmedzovalo. Už vôbec nie v lakovaní si nechtov :) A na Facebooku je dokonca komunita, ktorá združuje ľudí s palčekmi ako mám ja. A aj Megan Fox má také!
I am introducing to you my bare nails. And my weird clubbed thumb :D Mainly that one. Just wanna explain why it looks like that. As a child, I was always curious about what the hell is with it. When I was biting my nails it looked bit disgusting. Then it came to my mind - check it on Google! You know, self diagnose through the Internet :D And I actually found something. Medical term is Brachydactyly - shortness of the fingers and toes. And I have type D, that means thumbs. The last bone in it is shortened. It is genetic. I am suspecting my father :D. It isn’t something that is limiting me. Not in painting my nails :) There is even community of Facebook that is gathering people with clubbed thumbs. And Megan Fox has it too!
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