31DC2015 Day 19: Galaxies

Och, ako dlho som nemala vesmír na nechtoch!

31DC2015 Day 19: Galaxies

Och, ako dlho som nemala vesmír na nechtoch!
Našťastie tu máme 31DC2015 a témou dnešného dňa sú galaxie, hmloviny, hviezdy...

Oh finally. I painted universe on my nails again! That's why I'm happy that I'm doing 31DC2015. And today's theme are galaxies, nebulas, stars...

31DC2015 Day 19: Galaxies

Ako základ pre môj vesmírny nail art mi poslúžil čierny Golden Rose číslo 35. Potom som kúskom špongie naďobkala multichromatický a holografický Milky Way od Dance Legend, modrý DJ Blue My Mind a fialový Plur-Ple od China Glaze. Posledné dva menované som potom rozmiešala s trochou bieleho White On od Sally Hansen a pokračovala v špongiovaní.

Keď som bola so svojimi hmlovinami spokojná, bielym lakom a bodkovačom som si na nechtoch namaľovala hviezdy. Na záver som použila dva efektové nadlaky - Galaxy Hunter od Ms. Sparkle a Let The Stars Rain Down On Me od Essence.

Vtipné, koľko z lakov ktoré som použila má hviezdy v názve :)

As a base for my universe I used my black Golden Rose number 35. Then with piece of a sponge I dabbed multichromatic holographic  Milky Way by Dance Legend, blue DJ Blue My Mind and purple Plur-Ple by China Glaze. I also mixed last two mentioned with some White On from Sally Hansen and continued dabbing that mix on my nails.

When I was happy with my nebulas I used the same white polish and some dotting tool and painted some stars. Finally I used two effect toppers - Galaxy Hunter by Ms. Sparkle and Let The Stars Rain Down On Me by Essence.

It's funny how many of polishes I used have stars in their names :)

31DC2015 Day 19: Galaxies

Milky Way od Dance Legend vám budem musieť ešte niekedy ukázať aj samostatne, lebo je to naozaj prenádherný kúsok :) V tejto manikúre ho na prvý pohľad nezbadáte, no na tmavých plochách vytvára meňavé modro-fialové odlesky.

Milky Way by Dance Legend is really pretty polish and I have to show it to you on its own! In this mani it plays that shifting blue and purple shimmer in the background.

31DC2015 Day 19: Galaxies

Galaxy Hunter od Ms. Sparkle obsahuje množstvo drobných rôzno farebných šupiniek. Dokonca jemne svieti v tme, no nepodarilo mi to nafotiť tak, aby ste to videli aj vy...

Galaxy Hunter by Ms. Sparkle contains many little colorful flakies. It evens glows in the dark but it's not that strong so I couldn't capture it so you can see it...

31DC2015 Day 19: Galaxies

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