Luxusný grunge / Grunge luxe

V utorok večer som brúzdala po internete a dumala, čo si nalakujem a narazila som na obrázky s praskáčmi. A keďže som chcela niečo rýchle, toto bolo úplne ideálne. Základ je studená baby ružová krémovka. Na ňu som v naozaj tenučkých vrstvách nalakovala strieborný praskáč od Essence. Keď ho použijete viac, nevyrvoria sa pekné prasklinky, len také puklinky. Nič moc. Tento raz to ale vyšlo.

On Tuesday evening I was browsing some nail art pics, looking for an inspiration what to do and I found pictures of cracking nail polishes. And because I wanted something really quick, this was an ideal solution. Base is cool creme baby pink and I used Silver Essence Crack Me! polish over it. You have to paint it in very very thin layer because only this way it will create the effect. If you use more the cracks will be really subtle. Not good. But this time it turned out really nice.

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