Tento lak som dostala v stredu od kamaráta :) Robila som takú menšiu oslavu, lebo ako viete, v nedeľu som oslavovala. Bola som veľmi milo prekvapená. Takéto mentolky milujem a vyznávam heslo, že glitrov a trblietok nie je nikdy dosť :D Od Manhattanu nemám žiaden lak a ani neviem, kde by som túto značku teraz hľadala (okrem all-mighty internetu). Obzerala som fľaštičku zo všetkých strán, hľadala som číslo a odtieň, ale nič. Je na nej ale npísané toto - Style Proofed Blogger Edtion. Po troche pátrania na nete som zistila, že patrí do limitovanej kolekcie lakov, ktorá vyšla v auguste 2012. Manhattan na nej spolupracoval so štyrmi módnymi bloggerkami z Styleproofed a Modepilot (tu si môžete o tom prečitať - MANHATTAN Blogger Edition: “MODEPILOT” und “STYLEPROOFED”, je to síce v nemčine, ale to prekladač vyrieši :)) A práve tento, ktorý som dostala je z celej kolekcie asi najzaujímavejší. Volá sa Green Chai. Ako som napísala je to bledunká mentolka. Veľmi podobná Catrice 240 Sold Out Forever, o ktorom som písala v mojom kvetinovom príspevku z 31 dňovej challenge. Na rozdiel od neho však Green Chai obsahuje trblietky, konkrétne drobulinké zelené a väčšie zlaté, oranžové a fialové. Na fotke ho vydíte na mojom "lízatkovom" vzorkovníku. Uvidím, ako na nechtoch, ale zatiaľ stačili dve vrstvy. Povrch po uschnutí nie je úplne hladký, určite by mu svedčal nadlak. Som zvedavá na výdrž, čítala som, že po troch dňoch stále pekne držal bez olupovania, čo je pre mňa tak akurát, aj tak nevydržím mať dlhšie rovnaké nechty. Na záver ďakujem darcovi za tatýto unikátny kúsok :)
This nail polish I got on Wednesday from my friend (yes, from MAN! :)) I had a little party, as you may know I was celebrating my birthday on Sunday. And I was so surprised. I just love these mint polishes and as I say - there is never enough glitter :D I don't have any polish from Manhattan and actually I have no idea where to buy it (besides all-mighty Internet). I was inspecting the bottle from all sides but no number, no mane there. But it's written there - Style Proofed Blogger Edtion. After bit investigation on the Internet I found out that it is part of limited collection of polishes that came out in August 2012. Mannhatan was cooperating on it with four fashion bloggers from Styleproofed a Modepilot (you can read about whole thing here - MANHATTAN Blogger Edition: “MODEPILOT” und “STYLEPROOFED”, it is in German, use translator ;)) And this polish, which I got, is the most interesting from whole collection. It's called Green Chai. As I mentioned, it is light mint green. It's very similar to Catrice 240 Sold Out Forever, about which I was writing lately in my "Flowery" post from 31 nail art challenge. Unlike Catrice, Green Chai contains glitter - concretely tiny green and larger gold, orange and purple. In the picture is swatched on my swatchicle. We will see on the nails, but here two coats were enough. The surface is bit gritty, the top is necessary. I am curious about the chipping and stuff, but I read that after three days it is still chip-free, which is enough considering I will change my mani after that time :) In the end big thank you to my friend, who gave me such a unique polish :)
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