Coming home / Homecoming... Toto som práve našla vo foťáku a nedalo mi nezverejniť. Posledný nail art z Dánska, kde som strávila päť mesiacov môjho Erasmus pobytu. Konkrétne v nádhernom mestečku menom Odense na Syddansk Universitet alebo inak University of Southern Denmark. Celý nail art má mať takú oslavnú náladu = konfety :D Na jednej ruke Dánska vlajka, na druhej Slovenský znak.
Coming home /Homecoming... I just found this among other photos and I just have to post it. My last nail art from Denmark, where I spent five months of my Erasmus study. In a beautiful city called Odense at Syddansk Universitet or University of Southern Denmark. The nail art was meant to be in a celebrating mood = confetti :D On one hand Danish flag on the other Slovak emblem.
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