Veľkonočné kraslicové / Slovak Easter Eggs-y

Veselú Veľkú noc všetkým. Ja mám dnes čas napísať aj príspevok, pretože ma dnes vyšibala/ vytrieskala len najbližšia rodina (a očakávam ešte dnes drahého :)). Tieto nechtíky som mala hotové už minulú stredu, lebo som sa chcela zúčastniť súťaže na Nailpolise. Síce som nevyhrala, ale také ako ja tam nemal nikto. Samé zajace a vajcia... Našla som na nete velmi pekné modré krasilce s vŕtanými srdiečkami, tak som ich použila ako inšpiráciu. Tie som na nechte zreprodukovala ako "nenalakované". Úplne najhoršie dopadol prostredník na pravej ruke :D Nevydržali mi ale dlho a dnes tu sedím s nenalakovanými, lebo diplomka, čas a podobné výhovorky :)

Happy Easter to everyone. I even have time to write a new post. It's because all my friends are somewhere else. Here in Slovakia we have these weird traditions that on this day, we are whipped with willow stick or whip by guys and they pour water over us (or just sprinkle if they are intelligent enough :D). It should make us pretty and healthy. I really doubt that this could help... So today no one came to my place, so only my father and brother beaten me up :D And I am expecting my boyfriend to come visit me today. So I have time... That's what I wanted to say... These nails I did last Wednesday, because I wanted to join a challenge on Nailpolis. I didn't win, but there wasn't any design like mine. All bunnies and eggs... I found a nice Easter eggs (kraslice in our language) with drilled hearts which I used as inspiration. Those hearts I did as unpolished. The worst one was my middle finger on right hand :D And they won't lasted long enough so today I'm sitting here without polish. Because my master thesis and lack of time... Excuses, just excuses :D

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